

Anar – Dwarf Pomegranate Plant


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Also Known As

  • Pomegranate plant
  • Dadam plant
  • anar plant

How to Care?

Anar - Dwarf Pomegranate Plant | sun  Sunlight

  • Full/ Shaded sunlight

Anar - Dwarf Pomegranate Plant | drop Water

  • Daily

Anar - Dwarf Pomegranate Plant | plant  Location

  • Outdoor

Anar - Dwarf Pomegranate Plant | ecology Maintenance

  • Low care

Anar - Dwarf Pomegranate Plant | size  Size

  • 40 × 20 Inches Approx.

Anar - Dwarf Pomegranate Plant | season Season

  • All season

Anar - Dwarf Pomegranate Plant | smell Fragrance

  • No

Anar - Dwarf Pomegranate Plant | award Specialty

  • Tasty Fruit

The pomegranate is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub in the family Lythraceae. It has many other common names including pomegranate, punica granatum, and punica mollis. The pomegranate plant is native to the Mediterranean region, where it has been cultivated for more than five millennia. The Pomegranate Plant can grow up to 8 feet high and 15 feet wide. The leaves are simple, alternate with three leaflets, and are ovate or elliptic in shape. The flowers are bright red when they open but turn yellow as they age. The round fruits have a tough skin that is hard to penetrate but sweet inside; they are eaten fresh or dried after harvest (the green husks remain on the fruit until they’re removed). Pomegranates offer many health benefits including high levels of vitamin C (which helps fight viruses), potassium (which helps reduce stress levels), fiber (which helps keep your digestive system moving), and antioxidants (which fight free radicals).


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