Chandni moolAlso Known As
- Crape jasmine
- Tagar Plant
- East Indian Rosebay
- Nero’s Crown
- Pinwheel Flower
- Carnation Of India
- Nandivardhanam
- Tabernaemontane
How to Care?
- Full/Shaded sunlight
- Daily
- Outdoor
- Low care
- 14 × 12 Inches Approx.
- All season
- No smell
- Beautiful White flowers
Chandni Plant is a flowering plant native to India, China and Indonesia. It is a popular ornamental plant in many countries around the world. The Crape Jasmine -Chandni Plant is a shrub that grows up to 3-4 feet. It has small, white flowers that bloom in the summer and fall. The leaves are glossy green, with serrated edges. Crape jasmine will grow in full sun to partial shade, but it prefers full sun. It can tolerate drought conditions, but requires regular watering during dry periods. Crape jasmine is best as an accent plant in a sunny spot near paths or stairs, because it tends to spread quickly and take over its area if not contained by barriers.
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