Also Known As
- Orange jessamine
- Murraya paniculata
- Orange jasmine
- China box
- Mock Orange
How to Care?
- Full/Shaded sunlight
- Daily
- Outdoor
- Low care
- 25 × 20 Inches Approx.
- All season
- Yes
- Beautiful White flowers
Madhukamini plant is a shrub or small tree in the family Rutaceae. It is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia, but has been widely cultivated in other parts of the world for its fragrant flowers. The name “orange jasmine” refers to its flower color, which has a strong resemblance to that of the orange-colored jasmine (Jasminium sambac). The plant grows to about 2-3 meters tall and 1-1.5 meters wide, with a dense crown of leaves and stems. The leaves have a leathery texture and are covered with fine hairs when they are young. When grown in full sun, they turn greenish-yellow and then yellowish-green as they age; however, when grown under shady conditions they stay green all year round. Their shape resembles that of a kiwi fruit (Genus Actinidia). The flowers are produced on bare stems during springtime only; they are large and very showy with a strong aroma similar to roses but not as sweet smelling! They can last up to 3 weeks if left uneaten by insects like ants or bees which pollinate them by licking their juices off the blossom’s fleshy petals!
Great lush green foliage